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The rules of the sim are below, these rules are subject to change at any time. For the most up to date version check the docks.


This is Gorean sim.  If your AV would not be found on Gor, it should not be here.  Anyone whose AV is disruptive to the Gorean RP theme will be banned. This is an adult sim, and has adult RP and situations.  No furries, vampires, robots, nekos or child avatars.

We want to keep these rules as short and simple as possible, so use good judgment, play fair, and remember we are all here to have fun. RP is not a game you keep score in.  It is more like interactive fiction.  Keep RP plausible, and try to follow commonly accepted RP practices.

QUICK RULES - for those that cannot wait. Anything you miss from the main rules is not an excuse!

Warning – Dock is the only safe zone for 5 minutes at the time of entry only.  You can be attacked on the dock when being pursued.

Animal AVs are will use the Beast GM meter.  Animals should be animals found on Gor, but you can use the nearest earth animal AV.  For example, you can use a wolf AV for a kalba.


Raid Ratio- 1-1+1 (that means you can bring one more attacker than defender)
Rescue - Ratio None.
Combat meter: GM 4.4 or latest version.
No dual wielding.
No quick switching to avoid weapon hit times.
Female weapons 35% damage only.
Fighting or running with a captive or slave on a leash is not allowed or acceptable.


Weapons must be from the GM approved weapons makers. (if unsure ask)
No weapons that do more damage than GM standards.
No auto aiming weapons that fire back automatically when you are hit.
No one hit to kill or knock out weapons.
Weapons search:  You must name each weapon to be removed.
No weapons that auto switch between throwing and melee. They must be set to manual and either throwing or melee.
Panthers and Free Women may carry bows.
Female slaves and male slaves can use slave weapons: rocks and slings.
Sheaths: You must wear sheaths.


Descriptive emote is at least 10 words!!

Binding: 3 descriptive emotes. You may include a weapons search and disarming or a partial weapons search and disarming, or you can just bind and do weapons search and disarming later.

Weapons search:  You must name each weapon that you remove.

Rearming: 1 descriptive emote.

Self-Unbinding: 5 descriptive emotes. (Must wait until combat is over for 10 mins until you self-unbind, and you must be bound at least 15 minutes before you can self-unbind.)

Aiding:  2 descriptive emotes.

Kills:  A valid IC reason, and 30 minutes of RP. Three descriptive emotes for the kill itself. We discourage kills unless it is part of an ongoing storyline between two or more characters and unless it is done with the consent of the parties involved. Death from a kill lasts 24 hours via the GM meter. (NC from all individuals involved in kill of all involved RP activity will sent to a mod or the kill is automatically invalid and a mod is to be called immediately following the kill)

Grappling:  3 descriptive emotes - SHOUTED.

Cutting Grapple: 1 descriptive emote.

Picking locks: 3 descriptive emotes (shouted). You must use the script on scripted doors (No priming through scripted doors).  


AFK:  If you are AFK when a raid or an attack occurs and you are in the area being attacked, remain AFK until the conflict is over.

Logging in during battle: Unless you are set to AFK when you log in, you are fair game to any raider or attacker the minute you log in. You may also attack them.  Basically, in RL if you break into someone's house, you risk someone returning, and they risk being caught off guard.

If you are set to AFK when you log in, follow the AFK rule. It is recommended that you set yourself to AFK when you log out if you do not want to risk being surprised and downed when you log in.

Returning to camp. People come and go from camps, so they may return.  

No birds. You cannot use IMs to get help.  


Trade or Rescue Time:  90 minutes.  Use GM capture time.

Exit:  The dock is the only valid exit point.  You should emote one line indicating you are one the ship and it has sailed. If you have a captive they must be named in the emote

Flags and grapples should be touch to die.


Resetting and Declining bindings without moderator's permission.  You can be banned for either.

Climbing walls without grapples.



Linden trades.

OOC insults.

TPing out of combat to save capture - (crash understandable if you return)

Jumping and enhanced AOs.

Any issues not covered by these rules will be handled at the discretion of a moderator or admin, and may result in a warning, ejection, or banning.

Mar41d Resident (on sim and owner)

Alika Vyper
Erica Thorne
Leisha Sideways

The MOD expect a NC of the questionable action  from both parties involved. Failure to do so is a waste of everyone’s time and will result in the action being declared invalid and an automatic ban of the parties involved.


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